When is it time to start replacing shingles? We hear this question a lot, and as roofers we can spot quite a few telltale signs from experience.
Have you noticed that some shingles are missing from your roof? If so, you need to jump on the issue immediately. Shingles work together as a system and when a few start falling off, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a bigger issue. They might fall off for a variety of reasons, each with their own solution. By learning a bit about the causes of shingle damage and when it’s time to start replacing shingles, you can save yourself a whole lot of trouble down the line.
Strong Winds
Strong winds are a common cause of shingles blowing off the roof. While properly installed shingles are quite durable, don’t underestimate mother nature. When a powerful wind blows underneath a shingle, it can dislodge it from the roof and send it flying. The stronger the wind is, the more often you will be replacing shingles. As far as prevention goes, there isn’t much you can do other than check your roof regularly and make sure to have a professional come in for roof repairs as soon as possible. If you live in a particularly windy or stormy area, you may want to consider different roofing options to see if there is something more durable for your situation.

As a homeowner, you likely know all about home deterioration and the importance of staying on top of the issues that result from it. Shingles are no exception. The average asphalt roof has a lifespan of around 15 years so if you are getting close to that, it’s essential that you have your roof inspected by a professional.
If you notice that the shingles are worn down, it’s a good sign you need to start thinking about replacing shingles. Another sign is when you notice shingles are curling or cracking. When your shingles have begun to deteriorate, the heat can cause them to curl and crack – not only are these signs that you need a new roof but you need it quickly. Any ‘chink in the armor’ of your roof could lead to moisture penetrating your roof deck and eventually causing structural issues.
Problems With Installation
The previously mentioned issues are fairly cut and dry. Is your roof old? Get it replaced. Did strong winds blow off some shingles? Get them repaired. However, it can be confusing when your relatively new roof starts experiencing issues with seemingly no cause. If this is the case, it’s possible that the roof was improperly installed. Each type of roofing product used has specific instructions from the manufacturer and best practices for achieving the best results. If an inexperienced roofer failed to follow these instructions, you are likely to have issues with your roof even though it isn’t that old.
It’s a good idea to contact the original roofer first to see if their services include replacing shingles for free, being that they are the cause of the issue. If you cannot get a hold of them, it’s best to consider a different roofer. A skilled roofer will quickly diagnose the issue and give you an estimate on the cost to fix it. Look at Google reviews, referrals from people you know, and ask as many questions as you can to find a roofer you can feel confident in.

Is It Time to Start? Let Premier Replace Your Shingles!
If you as a property owner are starting to ask “when is it time to start replacing shingles?”, chances are you could need to think seriously about doing so.
Keeping your roof maintained is an important part of safety and stability for your home. Annual inspections are important, as they will help determine if your home is in immediate need of a roof repair. It’s best to address roof maintenance as soon as possible. Allowing your roof and its systems to fail can seriously impact the integrity of your entire home.
Premier Roofing is here for all of your home roofing needs. Whether you need to repair, replace, or install a new roof on your home, we will deliver timely and professional services every step of the way. Together, we’ll get your roof back to where it needs to be. Contact us today to get a free estimate.
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